🧑‍🔬 The Secret To Credible Ads

Use this psychology hack.

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👋 Hey – Josh from Psychology of Ads.

Before we get into today’s newsletter, check out today’s sponsor Stacked Marketer, one of my favourite newsletters to stay up-to-date with marketing:

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Today’s ad:

Brand: Hopper

Psychology Concept: The Messenger Effect

Days Running: 512 Days
(This gives an indication of how it’s performing)

Have you heard of the Messenger Effect? 🤔

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🧪 The Messenger Effect

The Messenger Effect is a cognitive bias that causes us to judge the validity or relevance of information based on the person delivering the message.

🤳 How Hopper Uses The Messenger Effect

Hopper takes a regular UGC ad but puts some overlays on it that makes it look like a news outlet and puts it on a TV to make it even more believable.

🧠 How You Can Use The Messenger Effect

The key to the Messenger Effect is using or creating a sense of influence in how the ad is delivered.

There are several ways you can do this.

For example:

Matt & Bow here created an ad that looks like a magazine cover:

Or this from Obvi which makes it look like their ad looks like a breaking news article (clicking the Obvi ad does lead to an actual blog post about it):

The Messenger Effect partially explains why influencers can work so well compared to ads from a brand – people trust the messenger. In fact, 82% of people are likely to follow a recommendation from a micro-influencer.

So if your message isn’t converting, try changing how the message is delivered.

Try styling your ads as press, leveraging influencers or an authoritative expert.

I'm curious, do you think making a video or image look like the news is too deceitful? 🤷

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How will you use the Messenger Effect?

Let me know how it goes!

Until next time,


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